Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chasing Ami: A Chat With Ami Brabson

Before I can say anything else, I must say when I asked my dear friend Ami Brabson if I could interview her for my blog, she didn’t exactly jump at the idea. But in her sweet, endearing way she agreed. You have to know Ami to know that she’s not driven by the notion of being in the spotlight, even if it’s just a moment on this lil’ blog. Ami doesn’t actively seek the attention she so richly deserves. She’s obviously not your typical working actor and that’s what I find so incredibly interesting/refreshing about her.

The first time I even saw Ami was when she was on the critically acclaimed, ground-breaking detective drama “Homicide: Life on the Street” where she “played” wife to her real-life husband, Emmy-winner Andre Braugher. Since then, Ami has had appearances on shows like “Law & Order,” “The Jury,” and “All my Children”. Now currently she has a recurring appearance on FX’s super-addictive hit “Damages” starring Glenn Close. Ami is an extraordinary talent and I felt it necessary to interview her although she was reluctant to be put on the spot.

When I asked her about why she shies from the spotlight, she said “When it comes to notoriety the negatives of it seem to outweigh the positives for me. Especially when it comes to protecting your children.” As a mother of three growing, beautiful boys she knows her priority above all is being a good mother.

Some may wonder how does a working actor, mother, and wife balance the three and Ami will tell you without hesitation that “you just have to step up. You just do it. As much as we wanna be superwomen--put it like this, I can’t devote myself to everything equally. Being a mom is a priority and it’s the choice I’ve made. And it’s not a sacrifice. I have no regrets.”

It’s that kind of confidence in one’s place in life that makes Ami so genuine and inspiring. She said she knew she wanted to be an actor for a living when she was in high school when she played the Chorus in “Antigone.” She says there was no real “magic moment” but doing that play she knew she wanted to act professionally.

When I first met Ami she was in a play directed by a good friend of mine (Jaye Austin-Williams). And she was absolutely amazing in it. Having an equally amazing actor for a husband might be difficult and competitive for others but not for Ami when I asked her about her relationship with Andre: “We’re each others’ cheerleaders. Plus it’s not like we’re competing for the same roles. How can we be competitive when we’re working towards the same thing?” Ami has often said her husband is her best friend and he’s a very loyal supporter of her work.

What I love is that Ami feels blessed by where she is in life. At this moment, being in the moment, she says it’s “extraordinary.” She spoke of how thankful she is to have the family she has, her adoring husband, her healthy, loving children, and a career. She feels that in itself is enough. She’s totally satisfied.

So of course that made me ask what would she do if tomorrow she woke up in a major role giving her thousands of fans and she said: “Well, is the work worth doing? I mean, you can have thousands of fans and not be happy with the work. Because that’s what matters at the end of the day. Being satisfied with what you’re doing.”

You gotta admire Ami for that kind of acknowledgement of artistry. There are so many fame-chasers who could care less about real acting. Their concern is being famous, being in the limelight. And Ami, with her extraordinary gift, is all about the “work.”

I often make her laugh when I tell her she’s going to blow up when she least expects it. With her talent, it’s only a matter of time. The beautiful thing is that Ami won’t be chasing the limelight. She’ll being keeping up with the family, making sure they have what they need—basically, the limelight will just have to chase her.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really lovely interview. Can't wait to experience Ami's obviously prodigious talent - you go girl(s).
